It has been a while since I've written anything.
Actually, I'm no longer on my Eurotrip. I'm on my Asia trip.
I'm sitting here in a little cafe in Osaka.
I've had a lot of time to reflect today, being on my own.
I'm a little bit nervous about going back home, starting my new job. I feel like there's all this pressure all over again... Just when I thought it was the end.
I'm going to be starting at job at one of the world's most prestigious financial services companies.
To be honest, I never really thought I was going to be in business - there are all these super savvy business men and women out there. And when I look at myself, I just see this kinda quirky awkward little girl. I think I need to re-evaluate where I am, and what I can bring to the table.
I am currently reading 'How to win friends and influence people'. I've been in this constant battle with understanding the facts VS understanding the people. I think ensuring that I can mathematically, scientifically or literally answer a problem better than someone else has been the bane of my existence. I've always acknowledged that studying has not been my strong point, it's not something that I enjoy, and getting the best grades is definitely something that I can't really resonate with. I guess the good thing is that the more that I read in this book, I begin to realise there are things that I have already been doing that are a good foundation for winning friends and influencing people.
It has made me reflect on my life, and my interactions with people, and how I can get better at interacting with others. There is a whole chapter about smiling - something that comes to me naturally, and it's power. I want to try and be better, and remember to continually improve without being in a program where I am spoon fed. I have learnt that there is no point in me being afraid or intimidated by others, that one of the best ways to combat this is to concentrate on improving myself. Reading self-help books, and surrounding myself with positive people. I hope that you are smiling as you read this piece.
Stay smiling.
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