Monday, 2 September 2013

Detention Centres

I know that usually I post about more girly or emotional things. But I just want to share my experiences with you guys. So for one of my assignments at Uni, I'm have to write a paper about the impact of detention on asylum seekers. Prior of this assignment, I didn't really know much about detention centres - I'm quite a hermit when it comes to news. Before this assignment, my definition of asylum seekers in detention centres had always been of prison but so much better, minus the prison cells etc. I mean if anything, these people aren't criminals, in fact they're fleeing their own country in fear for their lives. So really, there's no harm right? Furthermore, Australia has a little population of only 22 million, we have so much space. But it turns out, after doing so much research for this assignment, the conditions of detention centres is terrible. I was so shocked to find out that it's pretty much like prison but 100 times worse. Detainees attempting to commit suicide, people sewing their lips together to protest, self harm in front of children? What the fuck is going on. We're not living in a developing country. Australia has been crticised for the conditions of it's detention centres on numerous occsaions. As a country who has fewer asylum seekers than most of the Western countries, the laws regarding detention are ridiciously strict. Urgh, I'm just so annoyed at how inhumane we are. The boat policies by current government are ridiculous. Why the hell would you send people who are fleeing for their life to Papua New Guinea where there's high rates of crime, sexual assault and murder? We freaken tell our our citizens to exercise extreme caution and highly suggest not to go there, yet we're sending asylum seekers there. I just don't get it. Fucking hell, I'd like to think we don't live in a corrupted society. Okay, end rant. I hope for those who are social hermits like myself, hopefully this has opened your eyes.And hopefully, I'm creating awareness about this. Anyways, til next time.

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