Saturday, 6 October 2012

My ideal significant other traits :3

I decided to make this post because I'm procrastinating and these traits are in no particular order. Hopefully I'll add more to this list in due time.

1) Humour - has to have some sense of humour so that when I crack lame jokes I'm not the only one laughing. It'd be a bonus if they could make me laugh too.

2) Caring - I'm seriously a little kid sometimes and I hurt myself, we be talking both physically and emotionally and I need you to be able to help me through these tough times. On the contrary, I get over things pretty quick so you probably won't need to try too hard.

3) Creative - I need someone who is going to want to come with me when I want to go to concerts, museums, art galleries, festivals and actually enjoy the experience. I don't want to drag you a long if you're gonna be bored.

4) Adorable - you gotta have that personality and/or looks that will make me go 'ngaaaaaaaw, you're so cute :)'

5) Musical ability - this will score you an extra 2 points on the scoreboard whether it be a musical instrument, vocals (?) we can sing together, that'd be awesome.

6) Patience - this is one that is extremely important because sometimes I can be really out of it, and I probably won't be the nicest person during these times and if you can't handle me then... We gonna have a problem.

7) Believer - I say this in terms of yourself ie. future ambitions. And also I guess have a strong stand in your own beliefs and morals - I guess this is something that i think I follow a lot, and it most situations if I strongly believe something it'll be difficult to sway my views.

8) Open - so I guess open to new experiences and adventures that you may not have ever thought you would ever encounter. I like this one because it usually means you'd be flexible and you can be flexible for me literally because my physical flexibility is horrendous.

9) Hard Worker - I think this will also earn you some bonus points just because life ain't easy, and if you're not prepared to fight, you're gonna get drowned out real early. I also think time management is also important for this section.

10) Initiative - you gotta have initiative, like as much as I'd like to help you, I'm not going to be there to hold your hand through everything. Also I don't really like asking people to do things for me.

11) Punctuality - I seriously get really pissed off when people tell me a certain and then they're not there, because I've had to go out of my way to get ready well before you get here, but you can't hold up your side of the bargain... Really?

12) Listener - you gotta be able to juggle listening and talking as well, I mean I don't want you to be a passive person, now would I?

Things that will earn you bonus points.

1) a slight badass - haha yes idk maybe not too bad ass but like bad ass in those Asian dramas totally makes me swoon. Or take Liam in 90210 for example 8)

2) sexy v line - haha it's so hot 8) LOL now I'm just being a little girl... But still...

3) some sort of talent - this can be educational, practical etc etc.

4) cute smile - haha this seems self explanatory.

5) mutual interests - this will surely add more points to the score board HAHA depends on what the interests are, obviously more points for those that are less popular - take sleeping early for example.

Things that really annoy me (this is kinda just in general)

1) smokers - I can't even begin to explain this one. Like its just gross and its pretty much killing you.

2) super clingyness - I can't deal with this. My personality just isn't made that way.

3) incorrect grammar and spelling of simple words - I'm talking getting mixed up between 'your' and 'you're'and 'there', 'their' and 'they're'. HELLO?! You're an adult, now please get it right.

4) macaroons - when people say macaroons (and mean macarons - masterchef look at what you've done) even after I have given them the lecture that it is CLEARLY macarons... Oh great and what's even more annoying is that my iPad just autocorrected macarons to macaroons and put a red line under macarons...

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