Thursday, 26 July 2012

why hello there my personal stalkers,
just an update on my education - haha, yes being stalkers,
ofc you'd be interested. well i've decided to change my major for science
to psychology instead of vision science - yes i've had much
time to think about it. the next thing i'm considering
changing is my major for social science from marketing
to human resources management, but i still have a bit
more time to think about it - i'll see how the rest of the semester goes.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

the change.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

aloha :)

hi guys,
so i've just finished my first week of uni for the second semester. i'm expecting this semester to be much more exciting than last semester - just because i'll be doing more things related to my future career - unless i decide to have a little mid life crisis and change streams or what not. haha, so this semester i'll be taking four subjects and these include: marketing fundamentals, vision science, optics & psychology. this week has been quite enjoyable - possibly because there were no tutorials or labs, haha i'm terrible at practicals sigh. i just made another haul video on my beauty blog/youtube, so be sure to check that out.
i'm really enjoying most of my subjects so far actually, which is really good :) i'm super dooper excited, totally going to get HD WAM this semester - HAH, just kidding, i wish. :( i'm also listening to justin bieber's album believe atm, and it's actually quite good. also my seventeen magazine came the other day, so i just leave it on my bedside table and settle for some light reading before bed, ahehe. yes there was actually no purpose to this post, except that i thought i should probably post ... haha, and until next time.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

a little studying in the holidays?

Hi guys : )
haha, i know you are non existent, but it's nice to pretend you're there. :P
So my workplace called me yday and asked me to come in tomorrow, thursday & friday
to work, and I haven't worked in ages - i think i kinda lost my touch - it's really difficult
when you learn something and you don't practise it until 4 months later. So I'm just brushing
up right now on my frames knowledge and optics knowledge. Hopefully it won't be too much of
a drag, and I won't be knocked down too much tomorrow at work :3 I'm also excited because I think I might go out later to look at some work clothes to buy - I literally have one outfit that I practically recycle every time I go to work. I really want to be good at sales. :( LOL that must sound so lame... - haha, but seriously -.-