I'm super dooper excited!
I just subscribed to "Seventeen" magazine :$
And by gosh, are there magazines cheap?
If you live in the United States, it's $10 for one year (10 issues).
I was so shocked, because in Australia, it's
around $8-$9 for fashion magazines. Which is totally
ridicul0us. So I decided to subscribe to them for $26,
($16 for shipping) which is practically the price
of 3 magazines over here. So I'm super excited
and I can't wait for them to arrive - though they said
it's going to take 7-9 weeks, which is a bit of a drag,
I was hoping 2-3 weeks? Just in time for mid year break.
But on the other hand, I also purchased a book :$
YES, i've actually been reading a lot more lately.
So I made a purchase, also another "Seventeen" item
it's the "Seventeen - Ultimate Guide to Style",
I picked it up for $19.12 AU, which is a pretty good price.
In fact, if you want to pick up some cheap books,
be sure to check out "
Book Depository"which is
a great place to pick up some books, because they have
free shipping world wide! HORAY! And also,
they have books that are much cheaper than when you
but them here in Australia. And until then, take care
and be sure to check out my makeup / fashion blog
in the post below!