How's you doings? (: Wells todae, i went to READY, STEADY, COOK! for my food tech excursion? xD It was ALRIGHT. Wish I wasn't sitting in the back corner tho. x) stupid girls pushed infront of us; SO NOT FAIR! Buh yeah. :D It was pretty good. Much more smaller than I thort; the lighting was so HOT! I nearly like sizzled ! D: Buh um the guy who was looking after us was PRETTY COOL! :D The host got my year adviser's name wrong and so did the chef who had to work with her. IT WASN'T THAT HARD! HER NAME IS CHRISTINA. x)
My hands TOTALLY died after the show though; We had to clap in SO MANY TIMES. And then we had like random shots of like the MEXICAN WAVE and like lots of countdowns. x) We were like in the studio for about an an hour and a half? x) And when we finished we got FREE STUFF! Which... alanna and I found very appetising cos we were SOO SOO HUNGRY! And like we got .. microwave rice, sun dried tomatoes, beef stock, magazine?.. BALANCE water for women or w/e its called. ORGANIC SUGAR! xD . WOO. x)
And my friend Diane her phone camera broke so I tooked this really cool picture of my hand. :D Such a cool effect.

And um. TRANG, JOANNE IS MY PROPERTY!!! I'll prove it to you!

Yday when I was driving to my gmother's house and there was this van and at the back of it , it was something like ... "DR A. PALOHAFUSSKI ; LADIES SEX TEACHER ; FIRST LESSON FREE" So gross.!BLURGH. AND AND: when we drove past the van it was some old guy with the biggest white beard like what 30 cms +?! GROSS Anyways. :D Here's a picture of the van. xD

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