Today at school we had welfare day which was fun I guess;. :D We got like job guides; i swear i LOVE those books. :) They make me happy and we got this tafe booklet; I don't plan on doing tafe.. buh I might.. buh naah. xD It was very interesting; & we gots like a formal update and this is what's happening. Tickets are $100 + $30 deposit. If we're bringing a partner; we need to get their name and age and some sort of ID. xD So last period we had like a modelling competition thing, we had to design a dress out of newspaper and one roll of sticky tape, it was really fun, i filmed it on my phone. (: It goes for about 20 minutes; so have fun. :D And then after school I went with JAYE<3 to buy "personal hygiene objects"; so many of the packets were open. x) Buh we found a good one in the end; cos we're coolios. After that, we went to KFC and I ordered a Nacho Cheese Roller and my friend gave me like extra small chips. And at first i looked at her; and I was like "buh buh.. I didn't -" and then i realised she gave it to me for free.. I'm an idiot. xD NOTE - I TRIED TO UPLOAD IT BUT I LEFT IT FOR 12 HOURS AND IT STILL HASN'T LOADED.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
(; RAWRS - like a dinosaur.
Wells;. (; I'm debating between two dresses even though the measurements don't add up properly. Yes, I know the formal is like ages away; buh I think I need to get in early cos of my size. x_x" So; anyways; here they are; tell me what you think . :D

Wells;. (; I'm debating between two dresses even though the measurements don't add up properly. Yes, I know the formal is like ages away; buh I think I need to get in early cos of my size. x_x" So; anyways; here they are; tell me what you think . :D
Floral Pattern Satin Halter Dress
Layered Mesh Tube Dress
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Are promises made to be broken? ~
I don't really know how describe today, buh um, here's what I came up with. So. ! (: This is a really short compact version of what happened over the last 24 hours.
Things started out okay, tried to make them work.
Missed your calls, thought I could get back to you.
Waiting endless hours , technology let me down.
Felt so bad inside, don’t know how to describe it.
Technology fooled me into believing, didn’t realise it.
When I figured it out, it was already too late.
I tried to find the next time to get to you.
Didn’t think you would react that way,
Crushing my hopes? Is that how I describe it?
Every time the arrow hits the bottom.
It cuts through everything, leaving nothing behind.
Are promises made to be broken?
I don’t think you get what’s happening.
You’re great at this game, countless bull’s eyes.
The rain keeps falling, don’t know how to make it stop.
Missed your calls, thought I could get back to you.
Waiting endless hours , technology let me down.
Felt so bad inside, don’t know how to describe it.
Technology fooled me into believing, didn’t realise it.
When I figured it out, it was already too late.
I tried to find the next time to get to you.
Didn’t think you would react that way,
Crushing my hopes? Is that how I describe it?
Every time the arrow hits the bottom.
It cuts through everything, leaving nothing behind.
Are promises made to be broken?
I don’t think you get what’s happening.
You’re great at this game, countless bull’s eyes.
The rain keeps falling, don’t know how to make it stop.
Monday, 11 May 2009
How's you doings? (: Wells todae, i went to READY, STEADY, COOK! for my food tech excursion? xD It was ALRIGHT. Wish I wasn't sitting in the back corner tho. x) stupid girls pushed infront of us; SO NOT FAIR! Buh yeah. :D It was pretty good. Much more smaller than I thort; the lighting was so HOT! I nearly like sizzled ! D: Buh um the guy who was looking after us was PRETTY COOL! :D The host got my year adviser's name wrong and so did the chef who had to work with her. IT WASN'T THAT HARD! HER NAME IS CHRISTINA. x)
My hands TOTALLY died after the show though; We had to clap in SO MANY TIMES. And then we had like random shots of like the MEXICAN WAVE and like lots of countdowns. x) We were like in the studio for about an an hour and a half? x) And when we finished we got FREE STUFF! Which... alanna and I found very appetising cos we were SOO SOO HUNGRY! And like we got .. microwave rice, sun dried tomatoes, beef stock, magazine?.. BALANCE water for women or w/e its called. ORGANIC SUGAR! xD . WOO. x)
And my friend Diane her phone camera broke so I tooked this really cool picture of my hand. :D Such a cool effect.

And um. TRANG, JOANNE IS MY PROPERTY!!! I'll prove it to you!
Yday when I was driving to my gmother's house and there was this van and at the back of it , it was something like ... "DR A. PALOHAFUSSKI ; LADIES SEX TEACHER ; FIRST LESSON FREE" So gross.!BLURGH. AND AND: when we drove past the van it was some old guy with the biggest white beard like what 30 cms +?! GROSS Anyways. :D Here's a picture of the van. xD

How's you doings? (: Wells todae, i went to READY, STEADY, COOK! for my food tech excursion? xD It was ALRIGHT. Wish I wasn't sitting in the back corner tho. x) stupid girls pushed infront of us; SO NOT FAIR! Buh yeah. :D It was pretty good. Much more smaller than I thort; the lighting was so HOT! I nearly like sizzled ! D: Buh um the guy who was looking after us was PRETTY COOL! :D The host got my year adviser's name wrong and so did the chef who had to work with her. IT WASN'T THAT HARD! HER NAME IS CHRISTINA. x)
My hands TOTALLY died after the show though; We had to clap in SO MANY TIMES. And then we had like random shots of like the MEXICAN WAVE and like lots of countdowns. x) We were like in the studio for about an an hour and a half? x) And when we finished we got FREE STUFF! Which... alanna and I found very appetising cos we were SOO SOO HUNGRY! And like we got .. microwave rice, sun dried tomatoes, beef stock, magazine?.. BALANCE water for women or w/e its called. ORGANIC SUGAR! xD . WOO. x)
And my friend Diane her phone camera broke so I tooked this really cool picture of my hand. :D Such a cool effect.

And um. TRANG, JOANNE IS MY PROPERTY!!! I'll prove it to you!

Yday when I was driving to my gmother's house and there was this van and at the back of it , it was something like ... "DR A. PALOHAFUSSKI ; LADIES SEX TEACHER ; FIRST LESSON FREE" So gross.!BLURGH. AND AND: when we drove past the van it was some old guy with the biggest white beard like what 30 cms +?! GROSS Anyways. :D Here's a picture of the van. xD

Saturday, 9 May 2009
I'm not happy! I'm at my cousin's house and guess what?
Cos of what happened yday my rents said that they're going
to confiscate my phone every day after 9PM! LIKE WHAT THE
FCUK!?!?!?!? GIVE ME MY PHONE! I'm going to cry without it;
i told them my alarm is on it; and they're like; we'll be your alarm..
NO! I don't want you to be my alarm! D:
~Angry @ my parents!!~ HMPHIOS! D:
I'm not happy! I'm at my cousin's house and guess what?
Cos of what happened yday my rents said that they're going
to confiscate my phone every day after 9PM! LIKE WHAT THE
FCUK!?!?!?!? GIVE ME MY PHONE! I'm going to cry without it;
i told them my alarm is on it; and they're like; we'll be your alarm..
NO! I don't want you to be my alarm! D:
~Angry @ my parents!!~ HMPHIOS! D:
Chants " Sean Sean FUJIYOSHI " ~Karl Chan~ xDDD
(; I've got this really catchy song stuck in my head and the only lyrics I know are like ...
"I love you love you love you but" xD & "love is just a game you play but sometimes you lose" (; GOODJOB linda. :D Gold stars for you! ;)
So what'd I do todae? I felt bad for not having enuf stupid credit to text jamie and apologise for yday. WELL I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU READ THIS LATER SO... Here it goes..
The reason why I didn't spam it is because; it OUTLINES the significance of how SORRY I AM! So; i hope you call me tonight ~baby~ x) oh wait.. buh you're going to that mothers day thing tomorrow and you probably have to wake up early.. So it doesn't matter.... Another time.
Todae had maths tutor. (: It was good I guess; omg got so much work tho! LIKE 10 A4 PAGES! D: Gaaah! So I came back home and studied for maths; well atleast i tried to. xD "I love you love you love but..." xD Then went to english tutor stupid trang got my in trouble and omg i can't spell Egypt! D: Damn. & Now i'm home. :D Studying.. well I studied before and I'm taking my dinner time to blog. xD I'm going to eat congee woo baby! x) Ohhh; and I was looking through one of my drives and I found some old luvos which i laughed so hard at. xD
(; I've got this really catchy song stuck in my head and the only lyrics I know are like ...
"I love you love you love you but" xD & "love is just a game you play but sometimes you lose" (; GOODJOB linda. :D Gold stars for you! ;)
So what'd I do todae? I felt bad for not having enuf stupid credit to text jamie and apologise for yday. WELL I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU READ THIS LATER SO... Here it goes..
The reason why I didn't spam it is because; it OUTLINES the significance of how SORRY I AM! So; i hope you call me tonight ~baby~ x) oh wait.. buh you're going to that mothers day thing tomorrow and you probably have to wake up early.. So it doesn't matter.... Another time.
Todae had maths tutor. (: It was good I guess; omg got so much work tho! LIKE 10 A4 PAGES! D: Gaaah! So I came back home and studied for maths; well atleast i tried to. xD "I love you love you love but..." xD Then went to english tutor stupid trang got my in trouble and omg i can't spell Egypt! D: Damn. & Now i'm home. :D Studying.. well I studied before and I'm taking my dinner time to blog. xD I'm going to eat congee woo baby! x) Ohhh; and I was looking through one of my drives and I found some old luvos which i laughed so hard at. xD
Thursday, 7 May 2009
RAWRS;. (:
Horaaaeee; i FINALLY finished my LAYOUT EDITTING. (: *WOO* Okae; first of all; wondering how i ended up with "maemorial address"? Well i wanted to do something with like the word MEMORY in it & then I thort of the song Memorial Address - Ayumi Hamasaki. (; So i decided to make it original and change it to "MAE"morial.
Moving on; what happened today...
We made a double helix.. that was.. uhh FUN? (: Got to colour in!! (; & Talked to vanessa about crap that happened yday. D; I don't like being forgotten. NOT COOL!
Today I bought a COOKIESxCREAM CHEESECAKE. Omg; .(: SO SO SO GOOD! :D :D :D In food tech we did alot of colouring in too; i hope we don't get seating plans again D: I like where i sit; with Sally, Karen, Joanne & Lisa. In commerce we watched ERIN BROKOVICH; it was.. OKAY. (; Kinda interesting I guess. (: I got to eat my lunch in class cos my teacher is OHSOCOOL! So at lunch I was reading GIRLFRIEND with karen cos we were so lonely. D; Cos alot of people went on the visual design x textiles excursion to watch some fashion show. KAREN READS SO SLOWLY! SHE READS EVERYTHING! x) & I'm just there trying to find some interesting things. x) Buh its okae; and for some reason i think my geo teacher thinks we're dumb. x_x" Cos Alanna was selling chocolates but she went to the library so me and karen had the chocolate box; and she came over and said "Do you want me to calculate that for you?" .... Maybe she's just being nice... MAYBE
But I highly doubt it. D; She chucked me a dirty for saying "OK" like.. wth? x_x" I was only being polite.. In geo class one day, she said "we're going to go to the library now okay girls?" So i said "OK!" and she turns around and chucks me the biggest dirty ever like.. wth? & The other day, Ah Hae had to go take the books to the storage room and she was waddling like a penguin and vanessa x cynthia & I were cracking up it was so funny, and she just TURNS AROUND AND CHUCKS US ANOTHER DIRTY! Like.. AAAH. (: Anyways, I should go eat dinner now. (: I'll stop. :D If anyone is reading this.. (: GOODJOB! - quote vanessa KUNG-FU xD
Horaaaeee; i FINALLY finished my LAYOUT EDITTING. (: *WOO* Okae; first of all; wondering how i ended up with "maemorial address"? Well i wanted to do something with like the word MEMORY in it & then I thort of the song Memorial Address - Ayumi Hamasaki. (; So i decided to make it original and change it to "MAE"morial.
Moving on; what happened today...
We made a double helix.. that was.. uhh FUN? (: Got to colour in!! (; & Talked to vanessa about crap that happened yday. D; I don't like being forgotten. NOT COOL!
Today I bought a COOKIESxCREAM CHEESECAKE. Omg; .(: SO SO SO GOOD! :D :D :D In food tech we did alot of colouring in too; i hope we don't get seating plans again D: I like where i sit; with Sally, Karen, Joanne & Lisa. In commerce we watched ERIN BROKOVICH; it was.. OKAY. (; Kinda interesting I guess. (: I got to eat my lunch in class cos my teacher is OHSOCOOL! So at lunch I was reading GIRLFRIEND with karen cos we were so lonely. D; Cos alot of people went on the visual design x textiles excursion to watch some fashion show. KAREN READS SO SLOWLY! SHE READS EVERYTHING! x) & I'm just there trying to find some interesting things. x) Buh its okae; and for some reason i think my geo teacher thinks we're dumb. x_x" Cos Alanna was selling chocolates but she went to the library so me and karen had the chocolate box; and she came over and said "Do you want me to calculate that for you?" .... Maybe she's just being nice... MAYBE
But I highly doubt it. D; She chucked me a dirty for saying "OK" like.. wth? x_x" I was only being polite.. In geo class one day, she said "we're going to go to the library now okay girls?" So i said "OK!" and she turns around and chucks me the biggest dirty ever like.. wth? & The other day, Ah Hae had to go take the books to the storage room and she was waddling like a penguin and vanessa x cynthia & I were cracking up it was so funny, and she just TURNS AROUND AND CHUCKS US ANOTHER DIRTY! Like.. AAAH. (: Anyways, I should go eat dinner now. (: I'll stop. :D If anyone is reading this.. (: GOODJOB! - quote vanessa KUNG-FU xD
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